Show 21 - Part 1: News and front of mind
Telling Stories - more than just a great album by the Charlatans, it is a way to share the benefits of tools like those in the Power Platform. This week we are joined by Clarissa Gillingham as she shares her experience of forming great stories and some great tips for creating your own.
First though, the news as we cover the latest Teams usage numbers, updates to Power Apps and more.
Teams serving 115 million daily active users
Microsoft Teams web getting an updated look and feel
Lego backgrounds for Teams meetings
SharePoint 2010 Workflows Stopped Yesterday
Import and Export of Microsoft Teams Conversations in Microsoft Graph API
Modern Fluent UI controls in Power Apps (preview) | Microsoft Power Apps
Mobile Offline for Power Apps | Microsoft Power Apps
XrmToolBox – thanks to Carl 'Cookie' Cookson
Microsoft Clarity - free tool to view users' heatmaps and replay sessions
Check out our new series GreyHatBeard BiteSize
Microsoft 365 Developer Bootcamp 2020
- Hamburg - Kevin - “Microsoft Search - the what, the why and the how” (Nov 28th)
- Cologne - Kevin - Adaptive Cards Template Service (Nov 26th)
3 Nov – Al speaking at Leeds PPUG on Model-Driven Apps for Dummies (and non-Dynamics folks)
9 Nov - Al speaking on Productivity in an age of Collaboration via the Reactor London
13 Nov - Al speaking at M365 Chicago - https://www.spsevents.org/event/chicagosuburbs2020/
- 10 Nov - Turbo Tuesday - Al - Ceremonies for Productivity & Knowledge
- 1-4 Dec Kevin - “An intro to Knowledge Management with Microsoft 365 including SharePoint Syntex and the rest of Project Cortex”
- 1-4 Dev Clarissa - "How to transition from SharePoint to CDS"
The Gray Hat Beard podcast. Hello and welcome to show 21 of Grey Hat Beard the Modern Workplace podcast where we talk about all things Microsoft 365. My name is Kevin MacDonald and the grey of Grey Hat beard. I'm a solutions architect at CPS. And I'm ultimately office MVP hat. Solution architect at CPS. And I'm going to wonder, I'm solutions architect at CPS. I am the beard of Grey Hat Beard, also Microsoft MVP and Member of the PNP team, and we have a guest this week, so Clarissa, do you want to introduce yourself? Hi yeah, see I'm Clarissa. I'm the odd one out because I'm not a solutions architect at CPS. Instead, a pamphlet from configuration consultant at Anna's group and also alongside that I am a technical storyteller for Microsoft Power Cat Team. Which will be fantastic 'cause we're going to talk about that in second half about telling stories with the power platform, so we will come back to that and chat about that bit more. Thank you. I've did wonder where you're going when you said you're not like the rest of us. Which Gray hat beads conversation where that was going said. Thank you for making that a lot sooner than I thought it may be. It's a good start. Let's get going with the news and the first bit of news that I saw. That from Mr T. Perth, either godfather of SharePoint who talked about the latest stats. I think it came with the. That kind of numbers from Microsoft, the quarterly updates, and with that they gave the latest daily active users, which is now up to 115 million, which is absolutely incredible numbers for teams. I've been tracking some of these as one of my talks I do about driving teams adoption with the where on Earth but and I've been tracking the numbers and do the announcements there and I think it starts off about 15 million. Never was like that's quite a lot. And then they overtook Slack. I think about 20 or 30,000,000. Then we suddenly hates the pandemic and the numbers just went up and up and up. And if I wanted to, I I kinda thought they were going to come back down a bit. I thought that the peak, which was 75 million last time they talked about it. I thought people start going back to work. We see the numbers tail off so to see that carry on going to 115 million really is quite impressive. I think they shared some other stats about the. You know, the amount of usage as well. It's not just people log on logging in the amount of usage going on with teams still going on and on. It's incredible daily usage. 115 million people. That's an awful lot for one platform, isn't it? When it's when it's a business platform, 115 million people is an awful lot of people to be using. I don't think I mentioned how many little CPU. Well that's interesting though, isn't it? 'cause they haven't actually had. And the significant performance issues. As it's been ramping up, there was some at the start and some people look what you say about that Gary after your restart at the beginning of the shop. Yeah, I'll caveat that with I suppose I did update waiting that always happens, but I think, yeah, I was right though it's that we had a period of the down grading of quality of the video and things like that. So you know, is that period of kind of adjusting. And then it seems like all we've seen is just knew features just arrive and not really noticing. You know any any downsides really? Because some of the things that they were doing were trying to level off the demand, but things like as you say. Down down grading the video, but also stopping some of the services. So we OneNote you couldn't edit in teams could you what you can do that now they snuck that back in. I always thought that was a bizarre thing to do. Why do I make one note read only for performance perspective? It just baffled Bible obviously. Maybe people drawing too many doodles and I want it. Kevin, with his ten fingers all drawing at the same time. Never thought about that. I wonder if maybe with the client they can control how much the IT sinks and things of that works. If you're going directly in teams, but then you could update in the web as well. Yes, I know it's very strange, but when you think about it for. A platform that was grown. Damn what must be almost 100% in a year. Not much more than that. More sorry for that, sorry. That's yeah lot more from that. My math isn't minutes later isn't working, but if you think about it, there's still rolling out changes. Regular cadence of changes, regular improvements. Ice cream. Patient 'cause now you mentioned that there's sort of the sprucing up of going to the the fluent interface. So they're also trying to standardize the design, and I saw Matt Wade had a good post on this showing the GNU GNU icons. Anna believe this is available on quite a few people have got in their tenants already. I did have a look early. I don't think it's here any of ours here now. I've seen mixed messages on. Some people have it on all of their tenants, and some people can't have. I think it was. Michael Pisarek was saying, but actually I don't have it on any of the 20 that I use. So that way by saying yeah, I've got it on all five of mine. How many to control F5 and just do a quick refresh their get everything through but? Change I did like Michael Pisarek who is just like yeah still a bit like lipstick on a pig are really so not not a massive change the interface. Yeah I'm kind of a bit. Yeah OK bit there's nothing much really. They have made it a bit lighter. I don't use the light mode anyway it was dark mode so it's not. It's not something I'd want to look at it, but because I think the one thing that jumps out for me was the is the chapped. The chat like honors changed so it looks more like Messenger. Yes yeah, he just zoominfo. Looking elsewhere. See the icons have changed a little bit. I mean it, it's really pandemic final class teams. It looks like people have put on a bit of weight there, so yeah, they really the true lockdown. Is it not fluent? It's just. Generally everything's a bit rounder. So maybe that's it. Maybe it's make everyone feel a bit better about, yeah? Interesting informants, improvements or anything like that with it already, or if it makes it worse, have to know but not say I think what what I do like is we start to see that consistent design across everything so that especially when you're developing, it's now no longer the three different ways that you can develop for it. Or now be a single way so the move towards that mean that when you develop USB FX where that's in teams, whether it's in SharePoint, will start to look a lot more line to nothing. That's that's a nice one. So I think worthwhile for that. Anyway, the other nice news I I thought Carolina category who joined us on the what was it not? Team space? Comfort comes first come to talk about session. She saw some new scenes that were going to be able to use so will be able to sit in as we were saying before the show we can join Bill and Ted. Still in the bill and Ted Worlds we can put in there maybe maybe a rustic amphitheater not knowing tile issues right now social. It's going to look like people have just like floating heads. You know, like. Futurama. Yeah, it's like the other ones are kind of like your SAT in a chair, but your body is kind of covered right? Which makes sense, but that one just looks a bit odd. Yeah, I do think that once that one is the odd one out, is it there isn't a modernistic sort of sci-fi type one, but they've gone kind of. I thought of Aztecs for some reason when I saw that Star Star Trek star and I still got the numbers. So actually we're going to get worse. We have the kind of 50 it looks like there's some smaller numbers that you can have a new Jeff Teper had that one, didn't you? With the people sat around there who look like at very short desks on. Thus for interviews, yeah yeah, that's the interview panel, isn't it? Say in trigger I have to say I really like these little bit, unsure about some new ones, but the the capability. I think it's brilliant but I still don't have the Muppet show one though. Missing a trick there, absolutely plenty. Muppets in there, just not nearly. Large up for that one. I and I haven't heard anything but they surely must be think about how they can make how you can make your own as well. So that we don't, we can have a great happy picture with actually properly have us in their embedded. That could be quite interesting. I think it's good with the scenes. I mean you, you can't go far now on Twitter without seeing a user group and together pictures so you know it's good to see it is a bit different, isn't it? Than just kind of seeing, you know, just a few faces on on a meeting. You get everyone. There feels a bit more of a community as well. Now that we know we can't be all be in the same place but. At least it looks like we are, and it's interesting number of people that still don't know about it. We had a company meeting and he did exactly that. Let's go get it together. Let's put all our pictures up there, hit the 50 threshold. Sorry for those left out, but let's people were like, oh, I haven't seen this. All this is very nice and kind of the ones that we did do was the whole kind of individual boxes as well. That was that was quite incredible. For it, rather than just using together mode and it was kind of like a huge game of celebrity squares. M other other vaguely teams news people might not see this one fantastic site called Lego Ideas. If you haven't seen it, do go and explore it. 'cause people submit ideas for new Lego kits and it's all run by Lego and if it gets enough votes, bit like Uservoice, they let you make a kit and take things she listens. But my wife's Christmas present is actually the new Sesame Street kit which came from this. So you can buy new Sesame Street idea and she's she's love that and she wanted that or earring said I'd like you have this no choice for you. What I've got to choose their. Yeah. If if you're a little bit bored about summer backgrounds you've had for awhile than you, Lego backgrounds really, really nice. They just about missed Halloween unfortunately, but hopefully well they'll put some more out. There's a lot in there that are non Halloween theme, so definitely worth a look on that one Gary. You picked up something that happened yesterday. The final death knell. Not enough of him overflow, yes workflows. Yes, I actually was surprising because I expected a lot of people to be jumping up and down about this potentially, but it seems to well from what I've seen, it seems to have gone. You should take three days before people realize their workflow, possibly yeah, maybe it's not quite got through the ticketing system yet. But nobody's notice 'cause those tickets aren't being raised anymore. That is a very good point, yeah. And so yeah, we're talking about Share Point 2010 workflows in SharePoint Online and so this was mentioned a couple of months back that they were going to be completely stopped. You can't create them. It wasn't that long ago, no? So there's it's been a bit of a quick turn around and must admit that when the announcement came out, we started looking at some internal systems and there was one that needed updating and so it was it surprising when you look around, you know there are systems out there that just been running doing the job and you go with a 2010 or 2013. Well the 2010 you then got the option of moving into 2013 or just revamping them and that's what we did move that. Power automate, but yet they just going to stop running so I would check your ticket system to see if it's working. It was quite the head in the sand. Yeah, there in my my last company we we had a couple of engagements that were like suddenly people going. We've got this deadline of Microsoft just said that it's going to stop like fix it for us. So yeah there were a couple of people he did notice, but I think I think that largely it would have gone under the radar so. I don't know this much more. Microsoft got it. Well, they could've had longer notice, but they certainly put a lot of messages out there on the message center and things like that so. If you're having a bad day, we apologize. Do do get in contact. I'm sure between the four of us we could we could help something out, but if anyone's wondering, no, there isn't a migration tool. Yes, you do have to redesign it from scratch, so go from there. I thought it was very interesting, actually. The advice that they gave was just use flow. Yeah, that's not something that was a little challenging to recreate. All of the all of the capabilities of 2010 workflow in flow. Plus, working out with the flow the work floated in the first place. Hardest part was actually having to install SharePoint Destroyer to actually have a look. SharePoint destroyer like that. I'm really scared. I jumped ahead one ask, laughing my abilities in the one note in our search. Wanna sync Mr. But say we actually going to talk about the other dev site teams. Yes, so we actually talked about this a while back and there was an incident where loads of messages went missing and was actually a case of you can actually export or import messages out of teams. Well now you can. So one of its a preview beta API, but what's been added to Microsoft Graph is going to allow you to have the. Import capabilities to move messages from 1 messaging app to teams so you can recreate those those chats. I think this is probably aimed at kind of companies moving from say Google into teams and they want to keep that history, but up until now there's actually been no, no way of doing this. So if you're looking to kind of move into teams, this is another. Like you know a good addition. Into that account, just Google or tenant tenants, tenant migrations, the other big one special web pages and acquisitions take place bringing those across the other potential slack. It crossed my mind as well, yeah? Slack. Sugar movie. If there isn't, then I'm sure UI flow would do it. Yeah. That is expensive. Yeah, yeah, sounds pricey and painful. Yeah, I think it's interesting. Good could see more of those things coming through, definitely. I think 1. The other articles of got it here. Yeah, getting productive Al I know this one. Your favorite topics is productivity and the productivity score is now generally available. Yeah, it's a it's a lovely little thing. The productivity score gives you information about how much you're working, how productive you are, how much you use your services or not. But I think you know this is this is just the theme that Microsoft have really kicked off with with Ignite with all of their talk about well being and. Measuring well being and having metrics around well being, you know, we talked about it last time that the workplace analytics you know that enterprise level information to actually track how busy people are and this one is essentially just giving you a measure, giving you a benchmark that you can compare to other organizations and just start to look at how your organization is working based on the graph. Based on, you know we talked about the 115 million teams users, the amount of information at Microsoft actually have. To be able to aggregate and identify what good and bad look like, you know they're probably one of the very few organizations that have. The scale of data that they can actually use and actually kind of give you useful insights into how you should be getting your staff to work to keep them productive, especially as we look at how weird you know how we're evolving. The way we work as well. And it's worth just being clear when we talk about you, its use, the organization. This isn't about individual statistics, it's the sidewalk. Yeah, it's all, it's all anonymized. It's all done with volume rather than. I think team is the smallest, the smallest measure. They go down to and that has to have seven people I think. As a unit, to be able to be identified otherwise that they aggregate up. But yeah, it's it's just another. It's another good one, like the compliance score and the security score to kind of just give us insight as an organization, how we how we operate in are we operating and the adoption you know they've had the adoption pack that's been there in power. Be I for quite some time, so this is really taking over that. How are people working? Are they working the way you want them to? Is as you can see from the chart, there is the trends looking as you wanted to or people collaborating more. Are you seeing that improvement? And you can start look at. Programs you're running and see how they are making changes to things. You could see and that's just turned on by default, isn't like the rest of Microsoft, absolutely not switch this one on this is. This is the only thing that you actually have to switch on. Everything else is on by default. No, so this one you do actually have to go in and able, and it's because it's it's aggregating the graph data, so and if you there is another one as well, if you're above. Just trying to think what the number is. I think it's 100 and. 100 exchange licenses. There's another one as well have been business continuity report that is also quite similar to it in terms of how you see information about how your organization is operating. Yeah, I just notice that I was looking at the article and it talks about the productivity. We kind of know it, so exchange, you know, attachments all that kind of stuff, but it's where it's going to go with teams as well. I think the talk about a organizacional like resilience score as well. Agility, operational effectiveness, all that kind of stuff that is going to come from teams. We've seen a lot of announcements from Ignite about. You know teams becoming again this one place to go so your Internet is going to be in there. We have apps with Oakdale in the you know, pulling all of those analytics to give you that kind of. Wide view of your organization and I think he's good. 'cause I think a lot of companies probably don't work enough on say like data driven kind of decisions because generally the information is just not there and it takes effort to capture all that information and to do something useful with it. So to have this kind of out of the box, it's going to be great for organisations who do take that on board, drive it into the. Their adoption work as well that that's going to work really well done. I think this you know all of this because it's all driven from the graph. You know this is where I think over the coming year you'll see Workplace Analytics take off because that that really is the tool that they're positioning is if you want to get true insights into how your teams are working. That's the way to do it, 'cause you can aggregate different data sources, different information, upload it dice, and slice all of this information. Put it together in different ways and then use power BI and built in reports to analyze it. Yeah, right nice. So leaving on a bit I think time for a bit of power platform just very quickly before we do that. I'm not always known for my focus, but Clarissa it is that the Lord of the Rings swirled on your jump. Yes, this is my little lazy. But it's it's very cool and to to continue the geekiness. I've actually got my Clone Wars sexy shirt on as well, so I've got 50 first Legion. Entire T of Middle Earth. Really, and I've gotten Avengers cushion behind me as well. Covering all the bases. I put a background on, I just don't have the credentials to in the room enough I think. Will Lego on the wall and things like that. It's pretty, it's so if you want just listening, apologies to check out the video'cause that Jumper is absolutely fantastic and I might be going to Google. Let's try it. Power platform news. I think Gary you you picked up in a couple of these. I think one was the the mobile offline for power apps, so for those who love designing power apps but maybe get on a train in the UK and they don't work very well. Back in the days when we still traveled more, flying would be very useful. Yeah, this must admit it was just trolling through Twitter and just spotted this and you know mobile and offline generally is kind of use. See them together and instantly gets your attention. Because it's what lots of people are after. Generally is not there as default, but I think they were discussing this earlier. It's about the model driven apps, which is interesting. 'cause you know, canvases had had the ability to do this, but with model I'm assuming that it will just be able to work out out of the box almost. Yeah, you said it up when you little hard to make it play offline. With the model driven you you basically you flip a switch on each of the entities that you want to make available. Well, nice, that certainly when what I've seen so far, I've not actually tried it on a mobile device. But yeah, you flicker flicker switch on when you're creating the entity. Which opens up some quite nice ideas for how you can. Just choose what you actually want to be able to download and keep offline. I wonder actually if that you know when you're when you're building canvas apps based off of entities in the CDs as well. I wonder if you. Can flip that switch and. Yeah, counter staff as well. That would be really interesting. That would be that would be nice. Nothing. Funny interesting'cause the being able to access that data offline from developments perspective isn't too hard of play with PWA as in the past and it's not too bad when you do that and some other****** goes and updates the same field you're looking at when you come back online. Making sure you sync that an giving you good user experience. Be very interesting though how it handles that and how well it handles that. I could mention again for model driven apps you could probably have a very standard way of doing that for Canvas as how that's. Kind of told to the user will be. Yeah, intriguing. I think it's fair to say. Paterno, tricky one and going going on to the power platform. The other one is the modern fluid fluid. Not fluid fluent controls in power apps, so those looking on the video. Probably slightly less rounding in this case, where is most of the fluent stuff, has been more rounding. I think the much better looking things, and again it's coming to that design trying to bring everything together and looking the same. Yeah, I like this move. Definitely one. We've seen Oakdale Apps and Oakdale living inside teams. You wanted to have that teams like experience and not look completely different. And this whole theme in thing in power apps is kind of been a bit. It's been a pain. For me over the years that it's been around because for me it's always something that should have been dealt with by the platform. Here's how you can do themes rather than you know there's lots of different ways of doing themes and lots of people have come up with really interesting ways of how it's tackled that problem, but it's a lot of work to get those kind of buttons the way that you want, rather than applying at a decent theme so you know it's not just changing colors, it's actually. Changing the the way that those. Those controls actually look and function as well, so I'm quite happy about this. To be honest, I think it's a long time. Alternatives this article, but looking at this, the general thing seems to be smaller as well. Then they're making things smaller. Whether that's just the way they set the pictures, but it certainly looks like I'm interesting roof. It's always been chunky though, isn't it? The out of the out of the box Canvas app, or I'm just going to create this from a SharePoint list? I think that's what I think. If it is smaller than a little more concise, I think that'll be nicer. 'cause it has always been a bit. Looks a bit sort of Hello World Ish design for fat fingers. Yeah which isn't a bad thing when you're on a mobile device. Yeah absolutely very good as well. When you've got like apps running in factories or you know like conditions. Bring these horrible enormous clubs. They need that you really huge button. I so I have actually had a before power platform came out. Had the demand from the UX to for people to be able to use an iPad Mini with great big Fat love song 'cause they're working outside in the in the rain and to have it offline everytime I look at this kind of stuff I think that would be so much easier to build now then it was back then. Moving on 'cause we are waffling on for part one a lot at Al X Harem toolbox. In a short sense, I know, I know. You like sex. Om toolbox. We had the London Power Platform user group. We had Carl cooks and doing a session on this and. I have to say it just blew me away, was just one of those one of those sets of tools I just went. Yep, I need that that that that Yep, immediately installed it and I think I've used it about 3 times over the last three days since I've learned about it. Just kind of service for those of us who weren't there or possibly were half there were half cooking dinner at the same time and only caught bits of it. It's a. It's a community project and it's basically it is a tool box. There's lots of different tools in it, so to give you an example of what I was using over the weekend. Building fetch XML queries to actually get a set of entities back from a CD S table set of records back from the CDs table. Using fetch XML I can build that all up. I could put filters in. I could get the results, see the results, choose the columns and then I could just export that and drop it into a flow action. Which is like, ah, that saves me so much time rather than just developing at all with flow testing it. Looking at it and all you have to do is put a connection in, connect to you just CDs, but it can do other things. It can document your flow so it can build a Visio diagram from you flow. It can build the relationship diagram for your. Is this really just for people using CDs so other people hide Nigel if you're listening who are more focused on the SharePoint sides? So if interest to them? Yeah, absolutely, if you want. If you want to have Visio document for your flow and say actually I'm going to to export it as a document with the Jason configuration and everything so I can actually see it and use it for documentation. Absolutely it is primarily being built by the dynamics community, so there's a lot around the common data service and how you manage permissions and stuff, but there's 200 plus different tools in the toolbox, so there's a lot. There's going to be something for you, absolutely, but it's it. Yeah, it was one of those things that I just kind of thought. Where have you been? All my life? This is just such a great tool box of things that I really wish I had a year ago when I started really sort of playing with the common data service in anger. And and it's free, but not open source. Yeah, so so cold and Jonah Sue have been building stuff. There's loads. I mean when you look at the authors there's there's loads of people who are building stuff. OK, it is very much download and use, not sorry. They open so loud develop anymore. It's I've seen I've never really had to use it. I'm sure I will use it. But definitely seeing updates on Twitter quite a lot. It is vital that everyone uses. So, yeah, there's lots. And lots of people kind of mentioned for actually building just a part of the toolbox, and providing new functionality so yeah, definitely open. Very nice. Another going to the tools. Things we. We wrap up the news, but one tool that I notice that that seems to have passed a lot of people by and this thing called clarity from Microsoft. If you've only ever done your web analytics so most people just let it, that's all I need. But there's there's loads of other tools that allowed you to get heat Maps from sites and replay user sessions and really get into not just who's accepted, but how are they accessing your site, how they were the journeys water, the funnels? What insights can you get? That bloomin expensive for the most part. So Microsoft seems to have blown out of the water by offering this free clarity tool. So if you go to clarity.microsoft.com and you get started and it hooks in with your Google Analytics, we believe I'm going to pause here.'cause Gary was having a quick play at the beginning. I don't know if you manage to get things working at all. No, unfortunately, so their Google Analytics integration is there, but it doesn't seem to connect, but it works in exactly the same way you basically put tracking code on the page. And it pumps all the data into. I'm assuming the clarity system and works everything out, but yeah, it's definitely something interesting. Definitely interested to see if this is going to work with SharePoint.'cause look at looking at it and. So I've only got a very quick scan over it. It looks like it could really help with things like Accessibility and just tracking how people are using things, so if it does do the internal SharePoint Online. And all of the different sites and tools that we use and. In all tenants, it could be really interesting to see exactly where people are using and how they're using these different tools. No, I think very interesting. Maybe the next meeting we can come back and maybe share some experience in that huge amount spare time that we will have to play around with things. So I've just clicked on something in it in the documentation for it and it says recordings overview and it says 2 minutes to read and it has two words on the whole page which is coming soon. Oh brilliant. That's the best documentation ever. We gotta get that guy. It does remind me I'm hoping that everyone will be able to listen to this show, 'cause we've actually moved to a new platform with the podcast, so hopefully everything should come through. Should be seamless. We will be jeweled publishing for this one to make sure no one misses out on that. I might use that opportunity is when looking at changing the website for the new platform. I might see if I can put clarity on and we can get some heat map and see what people are doing on that. But yeah sounds good right. Quick run through of. What we all up to, I think a big shout out again to the South Coast Summit which is coming up next year. Only 347 days, 2 hours 33 minutes and about 33 seconds left to go through that based on their website. I probably should say I haven't actually calculate it now, but are really good event. You are stalking. You are stalking the man. Now ready it is up on their website so I don't know how much money you get. Picture of people watching when they haven't help on yet, but will it will ask about that with within rental in the team. Remind me. Absolutely. Probably a bit too late for most people listening to this, but tomorrow night, so that's Tuesday 3rd of November. Just as EU goes to vote. I'll be speaking at the South Coast user Group about Microsoft search. Speaking tomorrow, are you? I am speaking tomorrow, yes, or competition. Yeah, why is it? Is there anything else going on tomorrow? Al? Ah yes. Yeah, I'm speaking at the Leeds Power Platform user Group so it's a base model. Doing Gary and Al up there, if you like the Southerners for those listening UK, come and join me in the South Coast. We're all in it together. Team team. Sorry about being divisive these days, isn't it? That's that's right building it well. Up to the fifth, yes. Is exactly right. So yeah, what? What do you you speak tomorrow on doing model driven apps? Model driven power apps for dummies and non dynamics folk? Introduction to model driven accessing. I do like how you separated out dummies, an non dynamics folks don't like thank you, thank you. Absolutely. Yeah, I it was just gonna be dummies. But then I thought actually, that'll be. That'll catch too many people. Xbox in. But yeah, and then next week I've got another session productivity in the age of collaboration. So how this is focusing a bit on ceremonies starting the day, finishing the day. How do you actually manage your time? A little bit about meetings and rejecting meetings so that should be fun. Just say no as we covered in the last meeting last cost as well, absolutely. That's very on brand. Yeah, what we get. We will just repeat ourselves. Let's be honest and just spin the words around a little bit. Scholarship Select And other events we got come up and I think three of us speaking this at various times, which is global. Com four, I think. Clarissa, you were speaking at the Turbo Turbo Tuesday, wasn't it? Yeah so I did Octobers Turbo Tuesday and I've also in the December main event. I will be talking about how to transition from SharePoint to the CDs but older. Yeah, I spotted that and that I have a project coming right up. So yeah, bit more perfectly tired so I will be watching is'cause. I mean it's it's a transition that I'm making myself and I think it's quite an intimidating translator, at least from my experience. It's been quite an intimidating journey to start, think just kind of because the CDs has this kind of history with all of the dynamics background that when you're coming from and. Office point of view. It's it's like you're coming into something that's already been established for ages and everyone knows everything and you're just like whether I start. Please help me. So I wanted to kind of like share that how to. You know, get you really get your head into. That's slightly different gear that that CDs requires is a different key. Absolutely yeah, yeah, very, very different way of thinking from compared with SharePoint. Ended up in looking at Oakdale and trying to do this up CDs style things, and yeah, definitely different gear, so realizations of things you shouldn't be doing that way very quickly. See if it's even worse if you come from a SQL background and you go well, third, normal form, you know normalization and then you go. Yeah, it doesn't work with CDs. Gotta think differently. I I had a fun. I'm sorry that's the December session, is it? Yeah yeah, I don't yet know what day I'm on so it so it's all very excited. Everyone everyone's to be announced for time slots. Say watch this space. Next'cause I've got literally looks a lot better. Check what time on there. I would say I, I know we've talked about the global Con events quite a bit before and I'm a big, passionate lover of these because you do pre record and many people that are can just watching the video but it's great 'cause you can pre record but the speakers still attend and have the chat alongside so you can ask questions as you're going along. The speakers can ask questions of other people so you really get that double engagement. Really nice chat down the sides with a lot of people so it's it's well worth giving a go as well. Right, I think another ones this. I've got some global dev boot camps coming up. All your speaking M365 Chicago, but I think we've waited along a lot from the news. I think we can probably wrap up on part one and. Which. Stories today, but let's find out from the expert how to tell stories. So thank you for Part one. Please stick around for Part 2.