
Show 36 - part 2: Essential tools and techniques in a multi-tenant world

June 21, 2021 Kevin McDonnell
Show 36 - part 2: Essential tools and techniques in a multi-tenant world
Show Notes

A few weeks ago, friend of the show (and co-host of the amazing Office 365 Distilled podcast) Marijn Somers asked about whether you could remove a connection to a tenant when your account had been deactivated. This kicked off an idea for the show to talk about how we manage access to multiple tenants and how you can make life easier for yourself.

We cover:
- Cleaning up accounts you no longer have access to
- Using Edge/Chrome profiles
- Using a password manager
- Multiple Teams instances
- Things to think about and reasons to work multi-tenant

Useful links:
Managing access to other organisations – Thoughts of an IT Professional (

Photo by pawel szvmanski on Unsplash